Sunday, September 16, 2007

MANA from Heaven

Great news! My proposal has been accepted and I will be presenting at this year's MANA conference (Midwife Alliance of North America) in Clearwater Florida on October 20th. If any of you Dear Readers will be there, please come up and say hello. It would be a real treat to meet some of you in person. My presentation is titled, "A Response to ACOG: A Labor and Delivery Nurse's Choice for Homebirth" Now to start creating that powerpoint...


Mimi said...

Whohoooo! Congratulations!

Bebu said...


Anonymous said...

That's so wonderful!


Housefairy said...

Thats so awesome. I will be thinking about you that day.

kris said...

congrats! that is so great, i hope it goes well and can't wait to hear about it:)

Anonymous said...

I have another question. Since I've already birthed Jillian, I am just curious...

What is the difference between a midwife experience in the hospital and the experience at home? For example, would a midwife (CNM) in the hospital stay with you or be more like an OB and leave you alone with a nurse on staff? I know homebirth would give more autonomy, more choices for the mother. Is a midwife in the hospital any different than the OB in other ways? I'm sure there is some sort of continuum just as in any role (trust me, I know L&D nurses can run one side and the other...I've had very little hospitalized intervention and was quite happy and comfortable and have felt very near a c-section and was scared out of my mind. If nurses can contrast this much, I know midwives can too. However, in general, what's a hospital midwife do in practice compared to a home midwife, compared to an OB?

Only answer if this doesn't border on consultation or medical advice. I respect your space on these issues.
Dawn again, I'm a Laborpayne addict I think...

LaborPayne said...

Just found your question so hope you come back for the answer (if you are a true addict I think you will). You are correct, midwives run the gamut however I think there is a huge temptation for hospital midwives to begin to practice like OBs (hence the term medwives). I know a few who don't but when I attended my DILs birth two years ago, I noted the only difference between what her midwife did and what an OB would do, was that she actually DID sit the labor.