Friday, December 01, 2006

Weight Update

A quick update on Josiah. He had gained weight at his last Ped check earlier this week. Not quite up to his 2 week weight but over 7 lbs. He is finally plumping up and looking meatier. His little cheeks (both sets) are nice and plump and he is robust and alert when awake. As for my milk supply, it is ever so slowly increasing. I still supplement after most feedings as I can tell he's not satisfied. I still take the domperidome and reglan, although my mother tells me that my cousin has some herbal stuff that's sure to help. I haven't talked to my cousin yet to find out what it is, but I'm curious. Nothing that I've taken has helped to the extent that I thought it would so I'm ready to try something new. Right now, we're all snowed in here, so I won't be going out for a couple of days. Whatever my cousin has for me will have to wait. Right now I'm content that Josiah is gaining weight and thriving. For that I'm very grateful.


Jen aka Evilynmo said...

You are doing great! Fenugreek is what I have heard works for a lot of people. It is herbal and it makes you smell like maple syrup. Keep up the greatness! What a lucky little boy! =)

LaborPayne said...

I used a whole bottle of fenugreek already while on the domperidome and reglan and mother's milk herbal tincture- only a small increase with all four.

Mimi said...

Yay! Keep growing, Josiah!

Domestic Slackstress said...

Hi ... I'm a homebirther in Southern California who is happy to have discovered your blog tonight. Love your name ... laborpayne. The best name I've seen for people into natural birth is At Your Cervix.

LaborPayne said...

Thanks slacktress,
There's no better place for clever word play than the world of blogs.