Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Day in the Life of a Preg

I saw my chiropractor yesterday. When I told her about my round ligament pains, she quickly left the room and returned with another doctor who specialized in preganancy care. She told me, from now till the end of my pregnancy, Ill be seeing them both during my appointments. The new doc did some different adjustments on me, and I did feel looser in the pelvis and haven't been bothered by the round ligament pains since. Between that, my daily walks, my Sun Rider teas, and my Juice Plus capsules, I'm feeling fit as a fiddle.

The Wilson's arrived (to a lovely clean home, I might add). They are as busy as we are with family, friends and churches to visit, so I haven't actually seen much of them yet. I took the girls to a local children's book store for our multi-racial family support meeting. We do this once a year, and the bookstore sets out all its books for bi-racial children. There are really some cute ones. While there, my friend Sara asked me to participate in a panel of birthmothers for the next meeting. I told her I would love to do that.

Kathi Barber arrives today. I'm meet her this evening at dinner. We've all been like chickens with no heads getting ready for this thing, so I'm hoping all goes well. I've been trying to get her to come here ever since I heard her speak in DC at a national breastfeeding symposium about 3 or 4 years ago. I'm so excited that it has finally come to pass. Tomorrow, she'll speak at at hosptial, and a health department for World Breastfeeding Week and then fly back home in the evening. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good turnouts.


Anonymous said...

Could you recommend some biracial books for children, having exposed your children to them? Our family is white and hispanic, and the mix at family reunions is beautiful. I would like to raise my children to appreciate the strength of coming from two disparate backgrounds.

LaborPayne said...

I don't know of any by title off hand, but if you peruse the children's section of your local library or book store, I know you'll find something to your liking. There are so many now, they aren't nearly as rare as they used to be. But most be be about black and white families, it may take some looking to find white and latino families. Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

What a great site » » »