Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thinking makes my head hurt

Oh, the angst of new discovery. Why does life insist on forcing me to think? I've been stress and headache ravaged for days, not to mention sleep-deprived. Why is my belief so shallow, my faith so small? I want to dream beyond the boundaries of my own comfort- but there is a price of admission. I tire easily, and struggle to stay in the present. The pain is physical, and yet the process is entirely internal as I laboriously strive to give birth to new beliefs and attitudes. I am trying to think myself to the next level, without quite believing me. I think this is called being stuck. My de-stress strategy comes in the form of a certain little toothless, drooling, round-headed, and wobbly fellow who is communally reffered to affectionately as Little Joe. He likes me just the way I am-shamelessly flawed.

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