Monday, March 17, 2008

Madwoman or Genius- the world may never know...

I took second place at the speech competition. So, unless number 1 forfeits or can't make it, I drop out here. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed though. I've decided on some publishers to query for my book, and I'm meeting with Valtra regularly to work on our book. The writer's group that I've been want to join meets tomorrow morning. This week my goal is to get those three proposals sent in. I love making writing a part of my daily routine, the books, the blog, my journaling... and guess what I write just for fun? Romances. I have chapters and excerpts all over the place that I jot down in momentary bursts of creativity in several blank books that I keep around just for that reason. I think in print. I have dozens of [formerly] blank books that I jot down thoughts, ideas, stories, poems, plans, goals, objectives, to do lists. They are right brain and left brain writings all jumbled together. Maybe that's my problem. I love writing, but I can't decide if I'm a pragmatist or a dreamer. I once told my friend Scott that I must be perfect because I use my right and left brain equally. He countered, that no, I was probably just schizophrenic. Just my lot, to have the kind of genious only serotonin re-uptake can cure...

1 comment:

kris said...

sounds wonderful:)