Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Prodromal Ooze

No new news to tell. The cramping continues, but is harder to ignore. Went to the elementary school to help with the haunted house- part of my room mother duties. I'll be working behind the scenes to get the Halloween party done, since I probably won't be in actual attendance. I feel slow, and heavy, like I have maple syrup for blood. Tomorrow, if things don't pick up, I'll face my greatest challenge yet- go to the DMV to get my new liscense. Its time to do it, and I'd rather get it done BEFORE the baby comes. I already went once but the computers went down shortly after I arrived and there were like 30 people in front of me in line. (That place really is like purgatory.) I'll try and get there as the doors open and hopefully get it done fairly quickly. I also want to get in a trip to the library and get some reading material for when I'm resting after the baby. I've been wanting to read Stephen Covey's new book and a few others on leadership and marketing. The kids are out of school tomorrow and want to shop for Halloween costumes- we'll see if I have the energy for it. I may punt that task to my husband. I'll turn in early tonight and get some extra rest.


Anonymous said...


Thinking of you with prayers, keep strong as I know you will.


LaborPayne said...

Thanks Beth
- and so the adventure begins.