Bless the Lord, oh my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord, oh my soul and forget none of His benefits.
Psalm 103
Ok, maybe God knew what he was doing after all! At any rate He sure does good work. Even though my husband refers to the baby as "Golem" (you know that long skinny creature in Lord of the Rings) I think he's beautiful and perfect in every way. It's scary how much I love this baby. I'd do anything to protect him and keep him safe. I feel so blessed to be entrusted with him. I stopped by my kids old school yesterday, to show off the baby and visited nearly an hour with the school secretary, Lisa, whom I've always liked a great deal. She and her husband have four kids but have been trying to get pregnant again. After hearing her longing for another baby (and some infertile ladies I've talked to) its easy to see there is something worse than having a baby unexpectedly after eight years- not being able to conceive when you want to desperately. Oh how I shudder at some of the things I said and wrote before. Such ingratitude, such arrogance. I wouldn't change one step of this precious journey. I'm so glad Josiah is a part of our lives. I would have missed so much if he had never come to be. Thank you, Lord, thank you, a thousand times, thank you for knowing better our wants and needs than we know them ourselves.
Ok you don't need to send another picture since I found this one.....
What a cutie
I love that Psalm...
That is one beautiful little boy.
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